Hinkley point nuclear power plant: Teresa - Mei Chinese Countermeasures

Author / Kai Rui 2016/8/2 18:31:23 Source:BBC Chinese

The British government decided to postpone approval of Hinkley point nuclear power plant project, caused by vibration. The British government to make this explained that they need time to consider all factors related to the project. But people think that China is led to a re evaluation of the core reason for the project.


According to the arrangement of the 180 billion pound project, a Chinese company will new Hinckley angle c reactor funded one-third, and may again in Essex to build a nuclear power plant design in China.


So, what is the difference in a French company and a Chinese company, for the construction of a critical infrastructure in the UK?


How to answer this question depends on how you evaluate China and China's intentions.


To answer this question, it is necessary to carry out a difficult calculation.


China is a moving target, but also a huge, controversial and complex goal.


China in 2016 is no longer a Cameron of the British prime minister began 6 years ago, is no longer the time of the financial phase Osborn trying to be the UK to update their infrastructure to attract investment in China.


China has become more powerful, and its international policy has been much stronger. At the same time, China's crackdown on domestic repression has been more inconsistent with Britain's values.


Are these issues important? China's HUAWEI Corporation has been operating in the UK as a key part of the telecommunications network.


You can say that nuclear power is only in line with a similar national security standards and a business cooperation.


However, many other western countries, led by the United States, based on national security considerations, HUAWEI is not allowed to enter the key communication network.


At the same time, other major economically developed countries have not invited China to participate in their own key nuclear power projects.


"Fear and greed"


Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, asked the Australian leader two years ago what is the driving force of Australia's policy on China. The answer is, "fear and greed."


In the case of China's political transition, the above answer frankly summed up the degree of many countries, despite the different proportions of fear and greed depends on the specific circumstances.


British political and security circles, some people believe that, according to the British government and China declared the golden age, the British government appears to be less than the lack of greed.


British Prime Minister Nick Timothy, director of the office of hold this view.


He wrote on the eve of his visit to Britain in October last year, Chinese President Xi Jinping:


"Security experts, reportedly including government include government and foreign security experts, worry that China could use their access to convenient, holes are arranged in the computer system, to shut off the UK's energy production in time of need."


"That five British military and intelligence agencies are China for British interests continue to engage in activities at home and abroad"


Since the British government on Thursday evening unexpectedly announced delay approval of Hinkley point nuclear power project, the comments by Timothy has been great concern.


Do you worry about it?


Former British business minister Campbell said, then served as Home Secretary Theresa and may indeed in a cabinet meeting on Hinkley point nuclear power project involves national security concerns expressed concern.


He said that Teresa May for China's investment performance of the blind enthusiasm, especially at the time of Osborn's attitude expressed dissatisfaction.


According to Campbell recalled, Teresa may oppose Hinkley point nuclear power project at the time.


It is worth noting that Teresa may not so "Chinese blind passion" attitude has been shown in other respects.


She had personally intervened in the affairs of the Chinese dissidents in the home secretary Ai Weiwei visa event.


Ai Weiwei was to be held at the Royal College of London exhibition, only 20 days to get a visa.


Theresa may overturn the decision, ordered Ai Weiwei 6 months visa, and apologize to Ai Weiwei.


So, in the new Teresa may under the leadership of the government, perhaps we can see subtle changes in policy toward China.


But maybe it's hard to do.


Business and political circles some people will remind Mother Teresa, Mei, her predecessor had in 2012 despite China's protest meeting the Dalai Lama to let Beijing is not pleased with the results.


Since Cameron met with the Darai Lama, China has not invited senior officials of the British government to visit Beijing in 18 months.


Finally, the chancellor from the hands of the Ministry of foreign affairs take over the control of the China policy, determines its business as the leading bilateral relations, Cameron finally able to visit the Chinese President Xi Jinping last October the British state access.


It is worth noting, Hinkley point nuclear power project is Xi Jinping's visit to English, is an important symbol of both governments want to establish a "golden age" of the relationship.


In addition, Beijing also has reasons to invest in the development of bilateral relations between the political capital of nuclear power.


China currently has more than and 30 nuclear power plants in China, and there are about the same number of nuclear power plants under construction.


The export of nuclear technology is China's current priority. Although China now has as a developing country like Pakistan customers, but excellent record of British and international respected security system will bring huge display effect to China's nuclear industry.


The price of China's Wrath


China Embassy in London said in a statement Saturday, Chinese in Hinkley point nuclear power project is a win-win thing.


British supporters also argue that China Technology lower prices and security, and China to hope like Timothy said that "in the time of need cut off Britain's energy production will be too much because of their own interests and can not be implemented.


However, if the mother may feel unable to determine the final intention of China future, decided to negotiate, what will happen?


She is not allow Chinese investment in Hinkley, but are not allowed to the future construction of Chinese design of nuclear power plant as an additional condition?


Will this be the case? Do not know. Maybe not. Maybe she will reject the deal, which would have to take the risk of provoking China.


This may cause difficulties for the government to achieve another set of goals.


Mother Teresa - plum is due to the European referendum removal and become prime minister. In without the EU, Britain needs more efforts to with China to establish a good relationship of economic.


Last week, Britain's new finance minister, Hammond, visited Beijing and made possible the signing of a free trade agreement with China.


If China's reversal of the nuclear power project feel angry, the British government is likely to retaliation, trade negotiations will be frozen, the UK to achieve Osborne "golden decade" plan of business people will protest.


Perhaps, Teresa, Mei after the review of Hinkley point nuclear power project won't go to this step. If you really come to this step, that may be a sign that she wanted to show that, if considering the overthrow of a pile business need to pay the price to care about China, that for a British nuclear power plant is controlled by the China must consider other views, otherwise high cost would not be able to bear.


The prime minister has returned to the following questions, the world's other leaders are how to solve the difficulties encountered in dealing with relations with China.


The United States is different from its great power and strategic position, but another Western partner near the United Kingdom can compare with the British.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel with Beijing maintained close and effective commercial ties, while at the same time with a tougher attitude maintenance of Germany's national interests, in dealing with the problems of China's territorial claims and Chinese repression of human rights and freedom of speech on the expression of their voice.


Chinese leaders in the treatment of Cameron and Osborn, have been accustomed to their British opponents to the majority of differences in the back, including the steel dumping, Hongkong, detention lawyers and the South China Sea issue, and so on.


Perhaps Britain's off - European referendum produced a ironic result, a re - making the UK's China policy, making Britain's China policy more tough stance with EU partners.


China's degree


A month ago China only feel British off Europe on the one hand the problem, mainly concerns about the economy. Now, Mother Teresa, Mei decided to delay the Hinkley point nuclear power project. This shows the new problems.


But even though China's leaders don't like the sudden change in policy, they have become increasingly adept at dealing with such events.


From the United States to Sri Lanka, and then to Burma, China has encountered a lot of trouble when dealing with the new government.


China love Cameron Osborn team, also used the main melody in Osborn's relations with China policy.


But the current signal shows that the core decision-making power has from the finance office transferred to the prime minister's office. Beijing will carefully study the team, the new prime minister, layout decision, and after she announced the Hinkley point nuclear power project review results determine how to deal with her new countermeasures.