Turkey Hong coup conspiracy raging like a storm

Author /  2016/8/4 17:53:37 Source:BBC

Mastermind? If a conspiracy theory is the Olympic project, Turkey will award. After the coup, Ankara anti Western sentiment, no wonder there are street Chong reporters roars: "BBC, hurry home!"


Days after the coup, we understand, don't in the street too much to stay. Don't tell anyone is our BBC. In the vicinity of the Ankara police headquarters, a man who scream at me, "quickly go back!" Friday the attempted coup, member of the police headquarters was rebellious F16 warplanes bombed, burning coke shell. Heard the cry, I replied, "no problem, I was going back to the hotel it." adhere to each other. "No, go home, now go back to England you!"


I know that I am sometimes annoying, but colleagues also said that experienced the same experience, some people have even been kicked, beaten.


Army some people attempt to seize power since, the Turks are anti Western sentiment. The friends of Mr Erdogan's government to fan, adding wood, said coup "behind the scenes" hidden black and the forces of evil. People usually refers to is the United States. This kind of mentality in Turkey has been in existence, or at least in the past few decades.


If the CIA conspiracy theory is the Olympic Games project, the Turkish team in there about will place on the podium. But now is not the same, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the use of not only the people of the attempted coup relieved, they launched the coup of anger.


And not only focusing on the United States. European politicians: warning statement. After the coup of excessive pressure may hinder the accession of Turkey to the EU negotiations over the long term, which caused great anger Turks. Official told the BBC and other Western media bored reached a peak in the Istanbul three years ago democracy protests, now once again become a trend.


Why politicians really believe the CIA in manipulating the coup? Standing in front of the bullet riddled the Turkish parliament building, I asked Mr Erdogan's justice and development (AK) senior party members Kamkar Ahmet Berat Conkar). He immediately to I mentioned the Glen (fethullah Gulen, and translation of Guellen), Glen is Turkish priest, was once the allies of the Turkish leadership and is now in exile in the United States, accused of plotting a coup.


Kamkar told me that "this guy. Manipulating the organization in the United States. This chap with international relations, international support," he said Gulen must be surveillance in the United States, therefore, Americans must grasp the evidence of Glen actions.


Change an angle to think: if the accused by the United States in a Turkish Islamic cleric tried to in Washington, D.C., to seize power and, as a result, hundreds of people were killed, and you can understand why the Turks feel they have the right demanded that the United States as soon as possible extradition Glen.


In the right-wing nationalist party "Patriotic Party" (Vatan) headquarters, Hakki Pekin Ismail, general told me, "we believe that the coup was behind the United States and the United States intelligence department"


The general full forehead DIGE radius and a head of silver hair, looks like Turkey's secular military tradition, he had in the NATO chief of staff, was also responsible for the Turkish General Staff military intelligence. He said, with the Western allies and the future of the U.S. defense cooperation should now depends on them to hand over the glen.


For NATO dissatisfaction in Turkish politics is not new, but the military on may prevent them from receiving the equipment and support any things are usually more cautious. However, Perkin general told me that, if Glen case there is no conclusion, Turkey should "disconnect the overall relations between the United States and", ultimately, "if necessary, we can leave NATO."


Many Turks have tired and the endless talk about joining, tired of the sermons on human rights they. Mr Erdogan declared state of emergency, the government will immediately move to France's approach are compared.


Thousands of government employees have been arrested dismissed, because they were suspected of adding the Gulen movement, equal participation of plotting a coup, the Turkish government wasn't in the mood to listen to foreigners to class. The Turkish opposition has cleaning scale sounded the alarm, however, Mr Erdogan now support rate is very high, a Turkish colleagues told me, "he now wanted to do anything."


Turkey has recently adjusted its relationship with Russia, which has not been particularly eager to join the Western Club, which has been criticised by many Turks to accept the idea that the west is involved in a coup.


So, sometimes we will in the street facing angry. Accompanied by Recep Tayyip Erdogan stable regime, the Western disdain up a level.